Write your own drone plugin from scratch
Last update: Sep 22, 2020
Recently Drone released it 1.0 version update. It came with a cleaner and more useful UI and a new structure for declaring the YAML drone pipelines files. Perfect time for writing our own drone plugin. 🎉
TL;DR Get the code: https://github.com/CupCakeArmy/drone-deploy
This should be a starting point to guide you in the right direction towards writing your first drone plugin. It’s easier than it might seems. Let’s go 🚀
What do we want to achieve?
- Login with an ssh key from drone secrets
- copy files to a remote location
- execute remote commands
How are Drone Plugins written?
Very simple actually: drone plugins are nothing more than a docker image. The process is as follows:
- The code gets mounted inside your image at `/drone/src`
- You make slack api calls, deploy, whatever you want.
Since the source is mounted inside a container you can use whatever language you prefer! Cool. For this small project I decided to go with Python, but you could use node, go, whatever runs inside Docker.
First lets look how a plugin is defined inside the .drone.yml
kind: pipeline
name: default
# build...
- name: deploy
image: you/your-drone-plugin # public docker image
host: example.org
user: root
password: h4x0rz
How do we get those variables? Drone mounts them as environment variables inside the plugin container prefixed by PLUGIN_
So host: example.org
becomes $PLUGIN_HOST=example.org
and so forth.
In Python
def main():
host = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_HOST')
port = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_PORT', 22)
user = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_USER')
password = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_PASSWORD')
key = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_KEY')
# example.org
# 22
# root
# h4x0rz
# None
How do I get secrets? We need to use the from_secret
syntax. Supposing you have saved your private key as a repository secret under ssh_key
the example would look as follows:
- name: deploy
from_secret: ssh_key
Easy 👌What about arrays? We want to copy a list of sources to the server.
- name: deploy
- ./public
- docker-compose.yml
This will result into PLUGIN_SOURCES=./public,docker-compose.yml
. Basically we get a comma-separated-string.
# Takes a string, splits it at the comma and removes empty elements
def clean_array(s: str) -> List[str]:
return list(filter(None, s.split(',')))
sources = clean_array(os.environ.get('PLUGIN_SOURCES', ''))
Putting it all together
import paramiko
def execute(c: SSHClient, cmd: str, path: str = None, env:dict = None) -> str:
if path is not None:
cmd = 'cd {}; {}'.format(path, cmd)
stdin, stdout, stderr = c.exec_command(cmd, environment=env)
return stdout.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
def main():
# Takes a string, splits it at the comma and removes empty elements
def clean_array(s: str) -> List[str]:
return list(filter(None, s.split(',')))
host = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_HOST')
port = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_PORT', 22)
user = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_USER')
password = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_PASSWORD')
key = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_KEY')
target = os.environ.get('PLUGIN_TARGET')
commands = clean_array(os.environ.get('PLUGIN_COMMANDS', ''))
sources = clean_array(os.environ.get('PLUGIN_SOURCES', ''))
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
k = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(io.StringIO(key))
ssh.connect(hostname=host, username=user, pkey=k, port=port, password=password)
sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
# Upload the files
# for file in file....
sftp.put(archive_local, archive_remote)
for command in commands:
output = execute(ssh, command, target, envs)
This of course simplifies the code a lot, but should give a general idea how it’s done.
For a full fledged example check out the repo: https://github.com/CupCakeArmy/drone-deploy
Enjoy! 👋